Should you have a receiving line after your ceremony? Depends who you ask! While receiving lines were once a very popular way to greet all of your guests, they are no longer such a wedding day staple. Many couples are opting to skip the receiving line completely, especially if they want extra time for pictures.
While a receiving line can seem like a good way to be sure that the couple gets to greet all of their guests, there are a few downsides, mostly timing-related. If you want to get to your pictures so that you can join Cocktail Hour, cutting out the receiving line will save you some time. If the ceremony and reception are at the same location, Cocktail Hour will start immediately following the “I dos”. If you choose to nix the receiving line, guests won’t miss out on any of Cocktail Hour while they are waiting in line to greet you.
Luckily, the reception itself is full of opportunities to speak with your guests. If you choose to join Cocktail Hour, you’ll be able to mix and mingle with your guests and speak to them personally rather than just a quick hello. This is also a wonderful way to introduce your new spouse to friends and family he/she might not have met! Many couples also like to take the time to go around to each table during dinner and greet their guests while they eat.
Whatever you decide to do, just remember that this is your day and you should make the choice that works best for you! If pictures are the most important thing to you, make sure you have enough time to focus on them. If you want to join your Cocktail Hour, be sure you plan accordingly. Your wedding day should be a reflection of your personal tastes and style as a couple.
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