You’ve postponed your wedding. You’ve made the big decision (or, sadly, had it made for you as plenty of venues, including RiverCrest, have had to restrict large gatherings, like weddings, in light of COVID-19). You’ve informed your guests, talked with your vendors, and ticked through the rest of the tips we mentioned here. So now what? With all the nitty-gritty details like revised contracts and rescheduling taken care of, it all boils down to a waiting game, especially if you were very far along in the planning process—your color and design schemes already decided, vendors chosen, bridal party dresses and suits ordered, wedding dress fitted. But there’s a bright side to this. (Really!) With all of the big stuff already taken care of and your wedding-day countdown extended, you now have an opportunity to make your wedding especially great.
First, take stock of where you are in the planning process, and how much time you now have before your wedding. An extra three months? Six months? A year? When you’re deep in planning and getting down to the wire, you have to let some things go—say, learning calligraphy and addressing all of your envelopes, handmaking all your favors, or finding dozens of vintage vases for your centerpieces. As we warned you before, taking on too many DIY tasks can end up causing you unnecessary stress. But now you have some extra time to tackle all the little things that you’ve had to cross off your wouldn’t-it-be-nice-to-do-this list. Channel your wedding-postponement disappointment into doing things you otherwise wouldn’t have time to do. Some details that always benefit from some extra thought: favors, escort card displays, and personal touches throughout your venue (But our previous warning still stands: Don’t bite off more than you can chew, and don’t give yourself too much to do in the weeks right before your wedding, like arranging your own flowers or making all the desserts yourself.)
Even more importantly, try to use these extra months to simply enjoy being engaged. Oftentimes, couples get too caught up in the stress of planning a wedding and forget to appreciate the moment. Enjoy this phase of your life together, and plan for the future. This is a good time to press pause and discuss important things, like finances, what you want for the future, where you hope to go and what you hope to achieve. This way, when your wedding does finally come around, you’ll have an amazing day, and an even better life ahead.
Postponement tips:
DIY tasks:
Escort cards:
Personal touches:
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